Stories of Generosity

One of the greatest joys of my ministry experience has been getting to see things that other people don’t see. I love watching the small steps that people take in their faith that may be slow and spread out but show a genuine trust and hunger for God. I love when someone asks questions about a passage of Scripture they’ve been reading, when a year before they weren’t reading their Bible. I love to see a family rearrange their calendars to be more present at Sunday services or to plug into a small group. I love to hear how a young Christian is excited that they were able to invite their coworker to church, or how a long-time believer keeps a daily prayer journal with a long list of names. These are things that a regular church goer might not recognize, but as a pastor I get to hear the stories and observe the transformations. But one of the greatest blessings comes in observing acts of generosity. No doubt the world is full of greedy people intent on building their personal kingdoms. We all have been and can be lured by that temptation. However, Christ’s Church is filled generous people. 

Brittany and I have experienced this on so many levels, both personally and by observing others, that it is humbling (and a little emotional) to think about. Over the course of our adoptions, we received thousands and thousands of dollars in donations from people. Not rich people, but ordinary people who didn’t have large bank accounts. Our adoptions wouldn’t have been possible without it! We’ve been on the receiving end of meals when our babies were born, appreciation gifts of gift cards, meals, and overnight trips. We’ve been given cars, furniture, free babysitting, and so much more! Sometimes it’s hard to be on the receiving end of generosity because I like to be the protector and provider. I don’t want to need someone else’s handout. But a pastor taught years ago to not rob someone else of the blessing of giving. Much of the generosity that we’ve received over the years has been given by people motivated by the Gospel. People weren’t giving to get something in return, or to feel better about themselves. I believe most people gave because they had received something far greater in Jesus, and their giving was an overflow…an act of worship and obedience, which in turn was a blessing to them. When we give with the right attitude and motivation, God is honored, and our hearts are blessed. 

Brittany and I are extremely grateful for the generosity we’ve received but it also is a great joy to watch and be a part of giving in other people’s lives. It’s fun to watch someone give to a need, without the recipient knowing who gave. It’s fun to watch people stretch their faith in sacrificial giving and see how God blesses their faith in return. This happens over and over, and below are just a few of the stories I know about that have taken place recently within our church family at City Awakening…stories that most people don’t know about because the giving was done quietly or anonymously. 

This past summer our church sent our first groups of kids and teens to summer camp. These gospel-centered, mission-minded camps are so worth the experience, but they are not cheap, especially when a family has multiple kids attending. Our church people stepped up and donated over $2,700 to help cover the costs of several campers and chaperones! 

Over the course of the pandemic there have been multiple individuals and families experience great need. Recently there was a family facing hardship due to sickness which caused them to be out of work several weeks. A small group of people in our church collected $1,800 to help them get back on their feet. Another family facing similar struggles due to COVID was blessed by their small group, helping them pay bills and make it through a rough season. Over the past year and a half, I’ve seen many people step up and provide meals, medical items, childcare, and more to individuals and families who were quarantining or recovering from sickness. All without being asked or prompted!

This past year I witnessed a small group collect a large sum of money to help a family in our church cover the cost of a major car repair. 

I’ve seen multiple small groups come beside multiple families that are moving and help clean their houses, move boxes and furniture, and even help with improvement projects.  

A number of people in our church, along with several other churches, have donated to a family currently in the adoption process, helping them raise around $18,000 so far!

During a time when the cost of living is going up, I’ve seen families increase their giving to our church and several people joined in contributing to our support-raised staff on a regular basis.

Just this past weekend someone approached me about wanting to give their car away to someone in need!

I’m sure there are many more stories of generosity, but I hope that you are as encouraged by these stories as I am. They are a testimony to the work of God in the people of God and the power of the gospel moving people to generous and sacrificial living. Giving is not for the financially rich. Giving is a spiritual discipline that we continue to exercise the more we dwell on and understand how much we have received through the gift of Jesus. Let us continue to prioritize giving in our lives, always asking how much and where God wants us to give, and let it be for His glory!


The Attitude of Giving


The Benefits Of Giving