Don’t Be Afraid

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Sermon Notes


  • Fears in being accepted by your peers?

  • Fears in passing certain classes?

  • Fears in athletics?

  • Fears in your parents staying together, or how life will look if your parents have separated?

  • Fears of moving to another city, maybe another school?

  • ????

Two generalized questions...

  • What are some fears you think 7th and 8th graders have today?

  • Which of the 4 truths about Jesus, do you think are most comforting in overcoming those fears? (The 4 truths are: Jesus is all powerful, loving, patient, and God.)


Hey everybody my name’s Louis I’m the lead teaching pastor here at City Awakening, it’s great to be with you this morning. Now that our Grow series has ended we’re jumping back into our Visible God series, which is about seeing God through the life of Jesus. It’s a study on a book of the bible called the Gospel of John, which records the life and words of Jesus as it was written by an original source, an original follower of Jesus, and today we’re talking specifically about fear. We’re talking about addressing fear, and last week I came across an interesting article from the Chicago Tribune listing the top 5 most Googled phobias in America. Here they are:

  • #5 Achievemephobia = The fear of success. The fear of living up to, or not living up to one’s potential, and it’s actually the #1 fear in California. It’s fear of success.

  • #4 Astrapophobia = The fear of thunder and lightning. According to The Weather Channel, it’s the most common weather related phobia. It’s fear of thunder and lightning.

  • #3 Trypanophoiba = The fear of needles.

  • #2 Anthropophobia = The fear of people. The fear of society and socialization.

  • #1 Arachnophobia = The fear of spiders! Yes and amen to that!!!

A lot of people don’t know that about me, but I don’t like spiders. I’ll scream like a little 

school girl if a spider crawls on me. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll put up a fight if I have to. In fact several years ago we had a spider outside our front door the size of Godzilla. So I took a lighter, a can of hairspray, and started torching that thing. But it started running and I panicked! So I grabbed the 30 lb porcelain bear holding our front door’s welcome sign, and launched that thing through the air at the spider then ran...A few months later I saw another spider, might’ve been that same Godzilla tarantula, but I couldn’t torch it this time because it was in the garage. So I grabbed a tupperware container to trap it, but just before I went to trap it the thing jumped at me! I didn’t know spiders can jump! It jumped right at my face, but my ninja skills kicked in and I swatted it across the room. The only problem was, I swatted it at my wife...She ran, slammed the door, and left me alone with the spider. I couldn’t even escape through the garage because the spider was now by the button to open the garage. It was a very traumatic experience for me. 

So I fear spiders, and I sometimes fear other things like financial stability or losing those I love. But what about you? What are your fears in life?...It can be things like being single the rest of your life, being able to financially retire one day, death, or even doing what I’m doing now which is public speaking. Everybody has fears in life, what are those fears for you?...Today we’re talking about addressing our fears, and so let’s turn to John 6:16-21 and get into out. If you open your bible to the middle, turn a few books the right, you’ll find John. We’ll be in John 6:16-21. The title of today’s message is Don’t Be Afraid, and here’s the big idea. There’s nothing to fear, if you trust Jesus is near...There’s nothing to fear, if you trust Jesus is near.


Here’s your context. In vs. 1-15 John the author of this book of the bible, tells us about a time when Jesus feeds 5000 hungry people. Jesus miraculously multiplies 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish feeding all 5000 people until they were full. It’s an event reminding John’s readers of how God led Moses and the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery into the Promised Land. God fed them manna in the wilderness and also split the Red Sea so the Egyptians couldn’t kill them. John’s saying just like God provided food and deliverance for the Israelites back then, Jesus is that same God who’s come to provide food and deliverance today. He delivered them from fear at the Red Sea, and he’s about to deliver his disciples from fear at the Sea of Galilee. Let’s check it out.  

The Word: 

John 6:16-21 states, “When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, 17 got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. 18 The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing.” The sea we’re talking about here is the Sea of Galilee, and it’s about 150 ft deep, 650 ft below sea level, and surrounded by all kinds of hills. Its topography makes it subject to sudden windstorms causing high waves and rough sailing conditions like the text states. So facing rough storms on this sea was expected, and this is a different story than the one where Jesus calmed the storm. Jesus was already in the boat in that storm, but in this storm Jesus isn’t in the boat. So they’re on their own, they’re sailing at night, and facing this sudden storm on their own. It’s an event that’s recorded with more detail in both Matthew and Mark’s gospel. Matthew says the storm was so rough that their boat was being beaten, it was being battered by the waves, and Mark says they were painfully rowing against the wind. John even uses the Greek word megas to describe this storm. It’s a megas wind, a mega wind, a strong wind, and so this isn’t just any storm, it’s a mega storm. Several of these guys are experienced fishermen who are used to battling these rough seas, but this storm’s proving too much for them to handle with their own strength, and that’s exactly when Jesus shows up.

Vs. 19, “When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea...” They literally see Jesus walking on the sea. It’s the 1st of 4 truths I want you to notice about Jesus in the text. It’s 4 truths about Jesus that can help comfort us, in times of fear. Here’s #1:

#1 Jesus is All-Powerful = Jesus is all-powerful. The theological term is omnipotence. It comes from the 2 Latin words omni meaning all, and potens meaning powerful. So Jesus is all-powerful, and his power’s being displayed right here in this text, even over the natural elements as he walks on water. Now some people naturally have a hard time believing in this, because we don’t have this kind of power, we can’t walk on water like Jesus. So they say things like Jesus was walking on a sandbar, but we know that’s not true because lake was 150 ft deep. Others say he was walking on the shoreline, but we know that’s not true either because the text says they’re 3-4 miles at sea. The furthest you can see the horizon is 3 miles, unless you’re high above sea level which isn’t the case here. But Jesus walking on water isn’t hard to believe, if you believe in the existence of an all-powerful omnipotent God. Jeremiah 32:17 states, “Ah Lord God! It’s you who’ve made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. Nothing’s too hard for God, including feeding the 5000, walking on water, or even our most fearful hour. God can do whatever He wants within His character. He won’t contradict His character, but His power’s infinite within His character. Jesus is showing he has that infinite power, and this is where the Christian faith can help us overcome our fears. Faith doesn’t mean you won’t ever have fears, it means trusting Jesus’ power is greater than your fears. Your fears will calm the more you trust that Jesus’ power, is greater than your fearful hour. 

But one of the things I love most about this text, is that Jesus is walking on the water. He isn’t running, he’s walking on the water. I recently saw a national geographic video of a basilisk lizard. It’s often called the Jesus Christ Lizard because it walks on water. But it technically can’t walk on water, it has to run on water or else it’ll sink. Yet Jesus doesn’t have to run, he walks on the water, and I love that because it means he isn’t panicking. In fact there isn’t a single record in history where Jesus panics over how to fix our messed up world. I love that about Jesus! He can be a calming presence in troubling storms... Jesus can be a calming presence, in your troubling storms...He doesn’t panic, pace back and forth, freak out in fear like us. As he’s facing this mega storm, we see him walking on the sea, not running. He’s a calming presence, in troubling storms. 

Again vs. 19, “When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were frightened.” I’d be frightened too! I’d be scared too if I saw somebody walking on water 3-4 miles out at sea. Matthew and Mark say they thought Jesus was a ghost. They’re terrified at what they’re seeing, and this leads to our 2nd truth about Jesus. The 1st truth is Jesus is all-powerful, he’s omnipotent, and the 2nd truth is:

#2 Jesus is Loving = Jesus is loving. He’s so powerful he’s able to walk on water if he desires. Yet he’s so loving he’s willing to come near to them, when this mega storm’s hitting them. Some of you know far too well what it’s like to have a mega storm hit your life. In fact some of you might in a mega storm right now. You’ve been painfully rowing through life and it feels like you’re getting nowhere. It feels like you’re painfully rowing against the current, the waves keep battering you, and every day feels like it’s another storm. It’s another storm in your marriage, another storm in homeschooling or getting the kids to school, another storm at work, another car issue, another unexpected bill, another problem. It’s row, row, row your boat painfully down the stream, and you keep thinking it’s all up to you...when Jesus keeps wanting to come near to you. The older I’m getting the more I’m starting to realize this. I’m starting to realize the areas I’m most discontentment with in life, are the areas I’m trying to rely on my own power instead of on Jesus’ power. It’s areas where I’m trying to row through life without Jesus. I’m most depleted, in areas I’m least reliant...I’m most depleted, in the areas where I’m the least reliant on Jesus, and it usually takes me coming to the end of myself, before I’ll hand over the oars and get back to relying on Jesus again. Some of you need to hand over the oars...Some of you need to stop operating out of your own strength, lay down your oars, and ask Jesus to not only come near you, but also to get in the boat with you. You need to ask him to get in the boat and help steer your life. He’s teaching us and his disciples that he’s not only powerful, he’s also very loving. He’s loving enough to come near to them when they’re facing a fearful mega storm, and he’ll do the same for you in your fearful mega storms. He won’t always remove the storms in your life, but he’ll always come near to help calm the storms in your heart. 

Again vs. 19, “When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were frightened. 20 But he said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.’” Notice Jesus doesn’t say “Suck it up, buttercup...Pansies!” He doesn’t say that in their time of fear, instead he’s very patient with them, which is the 3rd truth about Jesus. 

#3 Jesus Is Patient = He’s patient and approaches them with a very caring response, like a parent approaches their child in times of fear. What’s a parent do when their child screams in fear? They run and scoop them in their arms saying “It’s okay, don’t be afraid! Daddy and mommy here.” If they run into your room in the middle of the night because of a bad dream. You take their hand and whisper “It’s okay honey. Go tell mommy, she’s over there”...In my house they don’t even come to me at night, they go right to Andrea because they know I sleep like a brick. My point is Jesus patiently approaches his disciples like a caring parent approaches their fearful child. He’s saying “It’s okay. Don’t be afraid, because I’m here for you.” Some of you need to hear Jesus say that to you this morning. You need to hear him say “I know what you’re going through. I know the storm your facing is scary. I know you might even be doubting my power and love for you. But don’t be afraid, because I’m with you. I’m right here with you, in the middle of the storm.” This leads to our 4th truth about Jesus that can help comfort us.

#4 Jesus is God = Jesus is displaying in all of this, that he’s God. See the words It is I in the original Greek are ego eimi, and it literally means I Am. It’s the exact same words used to translate Exodus 3:14 where Moses says to God, “I know you want me to go tell Pharaoh to let us go, but I’m scared. So who should I say sent me? What’s your name?” Exodus 3:14, “God said to Moses, ‘I Am who I Am.’” It’s the exact same thing Jesus is saying here in John 6. He’s saying “Don’t be afraid, because I Am!...I Am the same God who spoke to Moses! I Am the same God who provided manna in the wilderness and fed the 5000. I Am the same God who delivered the Jews by parting the Red Sea, and who’s now walking on water to deliver you on this sea! So don’t be afraid, because I Am!” He’s saying don’t be afraid because he’s God! 

Look the point of every miracle Jesus ever does is to reveal who he is. It’s to reveal he’s our God Incarnate, our Emmanuel, our God who’s with us, and there’s nothing to fear when we know our God’s come near. That little phrase come near in vs. 19 should amaze us more than it does, it should amaze us more than Jesus walking on water! But it doesn’t because we’re more amazed by his presents, than his presence. We’re more amazed at what Jesus can do for us, than him being the God of the universe who chose to come near to us. A lot of people in our city want fix-it Jesus, but they don’t want to put their faith in Jesus. They want Jesus to fix their life, but not be Savior of their life. They want Jesus to be their homie, but not their Lord. City Awakening we should want the Messiah more than the miracle, and when the Messiah’s in your boat the miracles will come! But even if another miracle never comes, we should still be amazed at the miracles that’ve already been done. We should still be amazed at the fact Jesus even cared enough to come near to us. Psalm 8:3-4 states, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” The greater amazement isn’t Jesus walking on water, it’s Jesus caring enough to come near to us, and even die for us on the cross. It’s not the presents of Jesus, it’s the presence of Jesus that should amaze us. There’s no presents, no feeding the 5000, no walking on water to calm the storms in our hearts without his presence. The reason he tells them to not be afraid, is because he’s the great I Am, it’s because he’s God! 

Again vs. 20, “But he said to them, ‘It is I; do not be afraid.’ 21 Then they were glad to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.” They were glad to take him in the boat, and in their hearts. Matthew says they started to worship him. Mark says they were astounded and amazed by him. Mark also says their hearts were hardened at the feeding of the 5000 not because they were against Jesus. It’s because they didn’t grasp all the miracles Jesus was doing and who Jesus really was, but they’re starting to grasp it now. They’re starting to get it now. So they welcome him in the boat and essentially in their hearts. As a result Jesus calms the fear in their hearts, he calms the storm at sea, and helps them reach their destination. He’ll do the same for us, if we trust in him as our all-powerful, loving, patient God, who came to die for our sins on the cross. He’ll calm the sin storm in our souls, and the fear storm in our hearts. Psalm 107 states, “They cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. 29 He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. 30 Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven.” 

I was listening to a Jennie Allen podcast last week, shout out to the IF Gathering ladies. It was an episode with a guy named Clint Bruce on it. He’s a Christian, former NFL player, and a Navy Seal Officer who still trains people today. He was talking about fear and training our minds in fight or flight situations, and he said fight or flight isn’t a bad thing. Its how God designed our minds to work. But our minds are like an open mic session. If you let fear take the mic, it’ll take control by filling your mind with negative thoughts and doubts. He said we need to counter the lies of fear with the truth of God’s word. We need to read our bibles, memorize scripture, remind ourselves of texts like today. Philippians 4 says, “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” We need to train our minds to remember that our God of peace is with us, he’s come near to us, he’s our all-powerful, loving, patient God, who will make sure we reach our destination. We need to train our minds to remember, when fear kicks in, Jesus said Don’t be afraid. 

The Big Idea:

So here’s the big idea. There’s nothing to fear, if you trust Jesus is near...There’s nothing to fear, if you trust Jesus is near...I mean if we truly believe he’s omnipotent, then what’s there to fear that’s greater than him? What’s there to fear that Jesus doesn’t have the power to overcome either in this life, or in the life to come?...There’s a lot of things you can turn to when facing fear. You can turn to the bottle, turn to drugs, turn to other people’s advice, but eventually the power of the bottle will run out, the power of the drugs will wear off, and the power of people’s advice will fail you. Only Jesus has the kind of infinite power that can calm the fearful storms in your heart. He can calm the storm of eternal hell if you trust in the power of his death on the cross for your sins...and he can calm whatever storm you’re facing in life if you trust his resurrecting power, is greater than your most fearful hour. There’s nothing to fear, when our all-powerful, loving, patient Jesus is near...Let’s pray...


Satisfaction is Possible

