Fathers Are Doers


Fathers. When I think of fathers, I think of doers. They do... things. Even if sometimes the things they are doing is resting until they have to do something else! Whether it’s doing things around the house, doing things at work, doing things with the family, we always have something to do.

Being a father is a wonderful thing. When I had my first child, I was excited and very proud! I had this small, innocent, helpless spark of possibility and potential placed into my care. I know a lot of fathers experience fear but I did not. I have an amazing wife and family that, I knew, had my back and would be there to help me. I grew up in a good family with a great dad. I had other men mentor me and show me what it means to care for my children. And, of course, I also had my faith in a Heavenly Father. What an example He has been in my life! Talk about a doer! Provider, Protector, and Teacher. These are just a few attributes of God that stick out to me when I think of God as my Father. It amazes me how these attributes overflow into my role as a father. 

A father is a provider.

We men like to envision beating our chests like cavemen and dragging home a fresh kill for the family. But God has taught me that provision is so much more than simply what I physically bring home. We do like to provide our families with a better life than we had and it’s easy to slip into a mindset of giving our children everything they want instead of what they need. I am to provide for my family’s emotional and spiritual needs and sometimes that means telling my kids “no”. Teaching them to be good stewards of what God has given us is one of the best ways we can provide for our children. Providing a safe place for them to explore their emotions and learn to deal with them appropriately. Providing them the opportunity to experience God’s creation and His abundance. Provision blends right into protection and teaching.

A father is a protector. 
I grew up swinging sticks and making tree forts. My dad still laughs about all the fake sharks I killed in the pool when I was little. We men are made to be protectors. I never got the fortress I always dreamed of as a kid, and I can hardly fix half the stuff in my house! While duct tape and I have become like brothers, it can’t provide the protection my family needs. The dragons that need slaying are laundry and dishes and trash and spiders! I’ve learned, however, that even protection has its boundaries. I hate seeing my children hurt and want to protect them from this cruel world, but I also know they need to experience trials. We learn through conflict and pain. To protect them from everything is to stunt their growth. I can best protect them by providing a place for them to experience hardship and loss. To walk with them as they learn how to deal with the stresses of life and know that it’s all ultimately in God’s hands and that’s the safest place to be.

A father is a teacher. 
Ultimately, I see being a father as someone who is to train up their children to be strong and capable individuals who love God. Teaching them not just about the wonders of duct tape but also the wonders of God. When it comes to teaching my children, I know, education wise, I’m going to hit a ceiling. Once they start middle school algebra, I’m probably tapping out. But there is so much more to teach them! Teaching them about a good work ethic and healthy habits in life. Why it’s important to learn to obey before you learn how to lead. Teaching them to seek wisdom which means seeking God.

I’m thankful to have my heavenly father as the perfect example of each of these attributes. I know that I have to rely on him as I try to be these things for my own family, and I hope that you will strive to do the same. So father’s, mentors, and men, let’s help train and disciple the younger generation in the way they should go by being doers not just of “things” but of the Word. 


Wisdom For Relationships


Wisdom For Fathers