Everyday Rhythms Pt. 1

Sermon Notes


Happy 5th Birthday City Awakening! It’s been an incredible 5 yrs, even despite all the COVID issues we’ve been dealing with. I mean our church didn’t lose momentum during COVID, we actually gained momentum, which shows the kind of dedication our elders, ministry leaders, and volunteers have for this church. It shows the kind of dedication Jesus has for this church! Jesus promised he’d build his church and he’s been doing it for nearly 2000 yrs! He’s doing it right now in this church, and wants to continue building his church through you. So in these final 2 wks of our Saturate series we’ll be getting practical on how to live as instruments of grace, using our everyday rhythms of life. We have to do it using everyday rhythms of life, because most of us don’t have any margin to add anything else to our schedules. So we have to figure out how to infuse the gospel into our everyday rhythms of life, which is what we’re talking about today. So let’s turn to Genesis 1 and get into it. You’ll find Genesis in the front of your bible, and we’ll start off in Genesis 1:1. The title of today’s message is Everyday Rhythms, and here’s the big idea. You can transform lives, using your everyday rhythms of life...You can transform lives, using your everyday rhythms of life.

            Here’s your context. Genesis is a book about beginnings. It’s about the beginning of the world and God’s relationship with the world. And in today’s text we’ll see there’s a reason and a rhythm. We’ll see there’s a reason God created the world, and there’s also a rhythm to how God created the world. We’ll cover 3 rhythms this week and 3 next week, but all 6 of these rhythms can help us to transform people’s lives anytime, anywhere. So let’s check it out.

The Word:
Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Okay so notice it says ‘God created,’ and the Hebrew word for ‘created’ isn’t ever used for anybody else except God. It’s a word that means to createout of nothing, to create something from nothing. When humans create it has to come from materials that already existed, but God has the power to create something from nothing. Now when God creates it’s for a reason, meaning your life isn’t an accident, it was designed. This universe, this world, your very own life isn’t an accident, it was intentionally designed. The secular view wants you to think the world began as an accidental random formation of molecules creating life as we know it. But even the strongest supporters of this secular view of creation admit the chances of life creating itself from non-life, the chances of life creating itself from nothing, are staggeringly low. One of the leading atheist scientists is Richard Dawkins, and in his book The God Delusion he says the odds of things lining up so perfectly for life to exist, is nothing more than luck! But how much luck are we talking about?
Astronomer Fred Hoyle states, “The probability of life arising on earth by purely natural means, without special divine aid, is less than the probability of a flight worthy Boeing 747 being assembled together by a hurricane roaring through a junkyard.” In other words there is a greater chance a hurricane can assemble a flight worthy Boeing 747 on its own, than for the universe to create itself with all its intricate details needed for life to exist. Hoyle’s saying it’s statistically negligent to believe the universe can create itself, without the hand of an intelligent designer. In the words of Stephen Hawking, “The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the Big Bang are enormous...It would be very difficult to explain why the universe would’ve begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us.” Genesis 1:1 is saying there is a God who intended to create beings like us, which means this world, this life, your life isn’t an accident, it was intentionally designed. It’s saying this world and your life is important. It’s all considered a good thing, which the text says next.
Again vs. 1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. 3 Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good... 6 Then God said, ‘Let there be an expanse (the sky) between the waters...’ 7 And it was so...9 Then God said, ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.’ And it was so. 10 ...And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said, ‘Let the earth produce vegetation...’ and it was so. 12 ...And God saw that it was good...14 Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.’ 15...and it was so... 18 And God saw that it was good...20 Then God said, ‘Let the water swarm with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth...’ 21…And God saw that it was good...24 Then God said, ‘Let the earth produce living creatures...’ and it was so. 25...And God saw that it was good. 26 Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness...27 So God created man in his own image…30 and it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed.” What we see happening is God is repeatedly creating through speaking things into existence. If I said “let there be light,” I’d have to get up to flick on a light. But God doesn’t have to flick on a light, He just speaks and the properties of light are set into motion. But why does God speak to create? I mean He could’ve just created without speaking, so why does He speak? It’s because speaking implies communication, social interaction, a relationship. God speaking implies He wants to have a relationship with us, which is why after creating humans He says in vs. 31 it’s very good. He repeatedly says it’s good after creating everything else, but after creating humans He says it’s very good. What we’re learning is this world, this life, your life was intentionally designed to have a relationship with God, and it isn’t just a good thing, it’s a very good thing.
See Christianity gives you a reason and purpose for life in ways the secular view of creation can’t. I mean there’s no reason or purpose for life if it’s all just an accident. But if there is a God who created you, it means your life really does matter and has purpose. Part of that purpose entails restoring God’s good and beautiful creation in areas where sin is destroying it. It entails bringing glory to God in a world that’s seeking its own glory. George Whitefield once said, “Haven’t you ever noticed when you come near the animals they growl at us, they bark at us, and the birds screech and fly away? Do you know why? They know we have a quarrel with their Master.” He’s saying all creation is meant to reflect God’s glory, but we rebel against our Creator. We try being our own gods seeking our own glory, instead of praising God and seeking to bring Him glory. So there’s basically two ways to view your life. You can either view it as an accident like the secular view which means your life is pointless...or view it as an intentionally designed very good part of creation, giving you much purpose in life. Your greatest purpose is to bring God glory with your life. But how? How do we bring God glory with our lives? One way is to point others to God in our everyday rhythms of life, and there’s 3 rhythms in Genesis that can help us do that. They can help us bring God glory, and transform lives anytime anywhere.
Rhythm #1 = Eat: The first rhythm is about eating, and some of you are like “Amen!...I can do this one! I can eat!” I’m right there with you. I love to eat too! Well God says in Genesis 1:29, “Look, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the surface of the entire earth and every tree whose fruit contains seed. This will be food for you...”Having food and eating was a part of God’s original design and rhythm for creation. So eating is a good thing to enjoy, which is why God created us with tastebuds. He didn’t create us to just eat for survival, He created us with tastebuds to enjoy what we’re eating. But eating is more than physical, it’s also spiritual. It’s a chance to glorify God by thanking Him for His provision and the food He’s given us. In John 6:35 Jesus said ‘I am the bread of life,’ meaning he’s the very God who can satisfy both our physical and spiritual hunger. Every meal you eat can be a reminder of this. It can be a reminder that whatever happens in your daily life, you can pause to eat, give Jesus thanks, and remember he can satisfy your spiritual and emotional hunger, just like he’s satisfying your physical hunger.
So eating is physical, it’s spiritual, and it’s also missional. If you study the life of Jesus you’ll see him constantly checking on people’s hearts while eating meals with them. If you study corporate America you’ll see many business deals being made over dinner. It’s because people are more relaxed, comfortable, and conversational at the dinner table. The reality is most of us eat about 3 meals a day, which comes to about 21 meals a week. So what if you used 1 of those meals to pour into the lives of those you’re trying to reach?...What if you blocked off meals for you, your family, and your small group, but had 1 meal for those you’re trying to reach?...Who is 1 person that’s far from God, that you can share a meal with this week?...It isn’t about adding anything else to your busy schedule, because you’re going to eat. It’s about being more strategic with your meals using 1 of your 21 meals to pour into the lives of those you’re trying to reach. It’s about how both skeptics and believers have to eat as a part of God’s original design, so why not use some of your 21 meals to pour into the lives of those you’re trying to reach. You’ll find a lot of hearts opening and good conversations happening at the dinner table. Jesus is used to transforming lives at the dinner table...maybe he wants to transform lives at your dinner table.
Rhythm #2 = CelebrateThe second rhythm is about celebrating. Celebration is very much a part of God’s original design and rhythm for creation. Throughout Genesis 1-2 God continually celebrates saying “It’s good, it’s good, it’s very good!” He’s celebrating, He’s enjoying creation just like we sometimes enjoy creation. Sometimes we say “It’s good” after eating a meal. “It’s good” after relaxing by the pool at a nice hotel. “It’s good” after watching a close football game, unless you’re a Giants fan like me, then it’s rarely good...The point is God designed us to celebrate and enjoy His creation like He did in Genesis 1-2. We just need to remember to celebrate Him as the giver of those gifts, because without Him we wouldn’t have anything to celebrate. Without Him life is just an accident, and there isn’t any lasting reason to celebrate. But we know Genesis 1-2 is right, because both skeptics and believers are living out God’s design to celebrate. We see both skeptics and believers celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, holidays like the 4th of July and New Years. It’s because we’re created and designed to celebrate, to enjoy God and the numerous gifts He’s given. We’re meant to not only say “It’s good,” but to say “He’s good! He’s very good!”
But let’s face it, sometimes life is hard, and there aren’t parties in places there should be. We see this in John ch. 2 when Jesus is at a wedding. The wedding party ran out of wine, the celebrating stopped, and Jesus turned water into wine to keep the celebrating going. Why? Why did he choose that as his first miracle? It’s to show he came to turn our discouraged hearts into dancing again. It’s to show he came to start the process of restoring our sinful lives and fallen world, back to the joyful celebration of Genesis 1. How can you live out a rhythm of celebration in your life?...How can you bring celebration into the lives of those lacking celebration?...What parties, holidays, UFC events, football games can you host, and who does God want you invite to those parties?...What college students, widows, singles who don’t have families, can you invite to celebrate the holidays with so they aren’t alone?... If you’re somebody that isn’t celebrating, ask yourself why?...What are you not trusting God with, what are you not believing about God, that’s hindering you from celebrating, and who can you talk with about it?...God’s design is for us to live a rhythm of celebration, and we’re to bring celebration to places that aren’t celebrating. We’re to throw great parties, and bring great food, drinks, and gifts to other people’s parties. We’re to use our rhythms of celebration, to point people to our great God of celebration.
Rhythm #3 = ReCreate: This rhythm is about enjoying reCreation. Genesis 2:2 states,
“On the seventh day God had completed his work that he had done, 
and he rested.” So rest and reCreation are a part of God’s original rhythm of creation. God doesn’t rest because He’s tired like we get tired from working. Instead He’s modeling a rhythm of work and rest so we’ll have a healthy rhythm of work and rest for our lives. Our reCreation time is meant to be filled with rest, relaxation, and fun. It’s meant to be filled with things that’ll fill your cup not empty it. But it also entails resting in your relationship with the Lord, resting in knowing He’s still in control, even when life seems out of control. Jeff Vanderstelt states, “I’ve discovered that my lack of faith in God’s power to save, sustain, and secure me, is displayed in my lack of ability to truly rest...But we should be the most playfully rested people on Earth, because our Dad has it all taken care of for us!” Are you able to work hard, but also rest knowing the Lord can handle things while you sleep?...Are you able to rest, relax, have fun, or is life all about work, work, work?...When was the last time you completely unplugged to enjoy time with your family, friends, and neighbors, modeling for them a healthy rhythm of work and reCreation?...What things fill your cup, what needs to change so you can do those things, and who can you bring with you so they can see we have a God that loves reCreation?...Eating, celebrating, and reCreating are all a part of God’s design for creation, and they’re a part of our everyday rhythms of life. If we live these out with gospel intentionality, it’ll bring glory to Jesus and transform lives anytime, anywhere. The future of our church is promising if we live as instruments of grace in our everyday rhythms of life. In fact we mentioned celebration as one of the rhythms, and since this our 5th birthday I want to celebrate a few things God’s done in our church over the past 5 yrs. A little over 5 yrs ago City Awakening was just a concept for me and my wife. But Jesus turned that concept into a reality spreading it from 2 people, to 10, to 30, to 50, to now over 120 people. And over the past 5 yrs...
ï      We’ve sent people to serve in our city to help UCF students, help children in low income families, help the homeless, women at a pro-life clinic, and the elderly in nursing homes.
ï      We’ve provided 110 pairs of underwear and put 150 pairs of socks on the feet of homeless runaway teens in our city, who were trying to reunite with their families.
ï      We’ve provided supplies and gift baskets to nurses, doctors, and 1st responders during COVID.
ï      We’ve sent people to serve globally in 5 countries, including a few Muslim countries...
ï      We’ve had one of our teams lead an African Chief in Cameroon to Christ, and connected him to a local church in his area.
ï      Last year we started our 1st student ministry.
ï      This year we sent 18 students to a student ministry camp.
ï      We’ve had 10 parent commissionings, which is where we teach, pray, and commission parents to make disciples out of the children in their home.
ï      We’ve partnered and participated in the start of 2 other churches in Florida.
ï      We’ve met or exceeded our budget each year helping us to expand our ministry reach.
ï      We currently have over 50% of our church involved in small groups.
ï      We currently have 3 people in our leadership pipeline being trained to start new groups.
ï      We’ve had a 500% increase in first time guests since last year.
ï      We’ve seen and witnessed numerous people’s lives being transformed by Jesus!
ï      We’ve seen addictions broken, marriages restored, nominals grow in their faith!
ï      We’ve seen students come to Christ, teachers come to Christ, football coaches come to Christ, engineers come to Christ, medical people come to Christ.
ï      We’ve even seen atheists and skeptics come to Christ!
ï      We’ve baptized over 40 people since starting, so let’s give God praise!
City Awakening we have a God who loves to celebrate, and I believe He has more celebrations ahead of us. Jesus promised he’d build his church and he’s doing it! He wants to continue doing it through the everyday rhythms of your life! But the longer our church exists the more at risk we are of being comfortable instead of remaining missional. My friend J.D. Greear once said it’s the difference between having a 1st and 2nd generation of faith, and we should ask ourselves which generation is us? Which generation is you?
ï      The 1st generation makes personal sacrifice. The 2nd generation seeks personal comfort.
ï      The 1st generation assumes personal responsibility. The 2nd generation assumes somebody else will do it.
ï      The 1st generation sees problems and seeks solutions. The 2nd generation sees problems and complains.
ï      The 1st generation sees possibilities and dreams about what could be. The 2nd generation sees barriers and reasons to quit.
ï      The 1st generation owns the vision. The 2nd generation inherits the vision and questions every decision.
ï      The 1st generation steps out with bold trust in God. The 2nd generation sits comfortable.
What kind of faith do you have? Is it a 1st generation or 2nd generation of faith? The older we get as a church, the more at risk we are of becoming a 2nd generation church, which leads to a slow death in any movement. The 1stgeneration in this church is something to celebrate, but we need the next 5 yrs to be a second wave of the 1st generation, if we want to see the celebrations to continue. We need to live as instruments of grace, in the everyday rhythms of our lives.

The Big Idea:
Look the big idea is you can transform lives, using your everyday rhythms of life. This world isn’t an accident, your life isn’t an accident, you being here at this church isn’t an accident. You’ve been wonderfully designed by God, and He wants all of us to enjoy Him and His creation like it was in Genesis 1. Jesus proved he wants to have a relationship with us when he died for our sins on the cross. He died for our sins so we could be restored to a right relationship with him, so we could enjoy him and the beauty of creation with him for all eternity. He wants us to invite others to do the same by eating, celebrating, and reCreating, so they can join us in saying “It’s good, it’s good, it’s very good...because Jesus is very good!” Let’s pray.


Everyday Rhythms Pt. 2


We Are Servants