Choices Women's Clinic


I would love to encourage you with a beautiful story of God’s love.  First let me preface the story by saying that my husband and I are members of City Awakening Church which means that we are blessed to be part of a community that is not only grounded in Biblical truth but also one that fosters a culture where people want to live life together missionally, serving others with the Gospel.  With that said, it was no surprise that when our church Missional Community Group was presented with the chance to help an expecting mom from the Orlando area, they were more than willing to do so. What you should know is that this was not just any mom, this mom was a patient at Choices Women’s Clinic.  Choices Women’s clinic is a medical pregnancy center that exists to empower abortion determined woman and men to make healthy life choices through quality medical services, education, and ongoing care that is all centered around the love of Jesus.  This mom, feeling broken and very scared, was facing the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy alone.  But things began to change for her when God ministered to her through the people at Choices.  There she was able to receive loving Christian care and support.  God gave her the courage and the hope necessary to consider all the life options she had available.  With the new support of others and a transformed heart, mom was empowered to choose life for her baby.  Unfortunately, it would be naive to think that the road ahead for this mother was not without its challenges.  The reality of her circumstances still left her without even the basic baby essentials.  That’s when God weaved our missional community group into her story.  At the time the holiday season was upon us and with all of the current COVID restrictions, the clinic was having fewer churches available to pair up with their patients in order to host baby showers. A staff member at Choices told us that the timing for our group to host a shower was perfect and an answer to prayer.  With just a little bit of planning, the help and prayers of people in our church family, as well as friends in the community, our MCG was able to host one of the sweetest and joyous baby showers for this brave mom.  At the shower, God provided this mother with all the baby essentials she needs to have a safe comfortable homecoming with her precious baby.  More significant than the gifts that we were able to give her though, was the opportunity to physically come around this mom as a community of faith, offering encouragement and honoring her with the dignity she deserves.  Our MCG got to show this mother that she is not alone, that brothers and sisters in Christ are in her corner, and that God loves her and desires for her to walk with Him every step of the way.   As this mom experienced God’s hand over her life, we witnessed how completely overjoyed and grateful she was by the community of believers willing to support her.  I cannot help but be reminded of one of our churches past teaching series titled Instruments of Grace.  With our simple willingness to be used by God as instruments of his grace, our lives, this mom's life, her baby’s life, and many others who will share in the threads of her story will be impacted by Christ’s perfect love.

Now, there is one more part I would like to share that makes this story even more special. It goes back sometime prior to 2014 when our current pastor and his wife began partnering with Choices Women’s Clinic.  They understood the important work that the clinic is doing to advance the kingdom and how the clinic is offering people a fresh new hope found in Christ.  What they didn’t know is exactly how their willingness to be used by God would directly impact me and my family. In 2014, our pastor and his wife were hosting a table at the annual Choices benefit banquet. They invited my husband and I to be guests at their table. That evening set my life in a new trajectory and marked the beginning of what would become for our family an ongoing partnership with Choices ministry. During my time working in the actual clinic, I myself was on the receiving end of God’s Grace. I was poured into, mentored, and ministered to. I received healing in my own life that only God knew I needed. The time I spent working at the clinic would ultimately take my relationship with Christ to new depths. As is always the case, that experience continued to have a domino effect. I had new opportunities to share the gospel, minister to, and lead many other women into a deeper or new relationship with Christ. I was trained in life coaching and I worked in the clinic as both a patient advocate and support group facilitator being able to love women during some of their most fragile moments. Still years later the domino effect carries on. It has now collided into our MCG group. The baby shower is the beginning of a new ongoing partnership that our MCG will have with Choices and only God knows how it will continue to domino out into the lives of others. My point in sharing this is to say this, that it’s never just about the single opportunity God lays before us at any given moment, it’s about a willingness to trust God and serve other so that we can be part of a much bigger God story. It is so that we can receive the fullness of what God has planned for our life and also be the conduit he uses to bless the life of others. Perhaps this story is meant to domino into you right now.  Maybe God is calling you to say yes to a particular mission and he is just waiting for your willingness to partner with him so that he can domino your life somewhere new and purposeful.

I’ll end with this, don’t waste any more time waiting around for clarity on your calling.  There are needs all around that God is more than capable of handling and is willing to use you for.  If you're unsure where to get started, then start with plugging into a loving Gospel-centered faith community and reach out to someone there about how to start a life of missional living.  And, if you would like to know more about Choices Women’s clinic please visit their “Choices Friends” Facebook page or you can look up their Orlando clinic online and call to ask them about the volunteer and job opportunities they have. Finally, you are always welcome at City Awakening Church.   God bless you friends and I hope to one day be reading a story about the domino effect God has you a part of!


Your friend in Christ


It Is Finished


The Greatest Prayer In The World